Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you. – Deuteronomy 16:17
Giving of our finances is an act of worship, and we are called to be cheerful givers! Through your generous support this church is able to accomplish the following and much more:
- We mentor our Children and Youth to be future Christian leaders by teaching them how to love like Jesus.
- We support ministries of the Word and of meeting physical needs through our financial support of Canadian Baptist Ministries, Canadian Foodgrains, and local mission groups.
- We are able to respond to urgent needs in our church and community with our benevolent fund.
- We create meaningful worship experiences each week so that people may come to know and grow in their relationship with Jesus.
- We create jobs / employ a staff that allows us to be efficient and dedicated to all of the above and more.
- We maintain our facility so our members and community can benefit from a clean and functional space used for daycares, community groups, a local church plant and our own community of faith
How to Give
To set up automatic withdrawals, email
Electronic Fund Transfers can be sent to
Envelopes are available at the church for cheques or cash donations. Please include your name and address if it is your first time donating (just names are fine if we have your address on file) for the purpose of tax receipts.

Willowlake Baptist Church strives for transparency in our use of finances. Budgets and financial reports are available bi-annually at congregational meetings and upon request, and tax reciepts for any donation over $20 are sent out at year-end.