Youth Group
Grades 6-12
Willowlake Youth is a place for young people to come together to explore faith in Jesus Christ in a fun and supportive atmosphere. Our goal is for students to know Jesus and discover faith in Him.
We currently meet biweekly on Tuesdays, with additional monthly Friday event. Click here for our current schedule of events.
For more information, leave a message for us at 204-256-2923 or email .
Sunday School
Sunday School is an opportunity to grow in “knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18) in age-appropriate ways. Children are dismissed before the sermon to preschool/elementary age classes, and teens/adults meet immediately after the sermon for short times of discussion and connection.
Sunday School runs October-May. June-September, activity kits for in the sanctuary or unsupervised play rooms are available for children.

Small Groups
Small Groups are opportunities to meet with 3-10 others outside of Sunday mornings. Our goal is to grow in Christ together: learning, supporting and praying for each other. Small groups may go through Bible studies, book studies, or focus on discussion groups (based on a sermon or Scripture).
The ladies Bible study group is open to all, meeting Mondays at 9:30am at the church.
Several other small groups meet in homes or via telephone. Contact the church for more details, or to be connected with a small group in your area.