Each summer hundreds of youth from British Columbia to Manitoba gather for a week to serve a Western-Canadian community hosted by the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada (www.cbwc.ca). This year we are headed to Whitehorse in the Yukon from July 6-12, 2025 – check it out at www.travelyukon.com. SERVE is like the best parts of summer camp combined with the best parts of a short-term service trip. During the day youth engage in service projects such as gardening, visiting senior’s homes, making meals and helping on the First Nations Reserve. Then in the evenings, they gather to share stories from the day, worship, play wild games, and hear from a dynamic speaker. Overall, through SERVE, youth hope to bless communities by demonstrating the love of Jesus through active service.
Before You Register
You will need:
- Name, address, phone, email
- Provincial Health Number
- Parents: they will need to sign a waiver allowing SERVE leaders to sign on their behalf in case of medical emergency & a photo/video release
- Emergency Contact information
- Choose Willowlake as your church (leave organization blank)
- You can choose “invoice my church for payment” when it comes to the payment section.
2024 SERVE Trip Highlights
We’re using a map of the Yukon to track our Fundraising efforts. Keep checking back for updates!

To donate to our fundraising efforts, send an etransfer to or a cheque to the church and note “SERVE” in the memo section.